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Our Address

14-2, (Jln 3/27F, Desa Setapak, Wangsa Maju, 53300 Kuala Lumpur)

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Office No.

+603 41418982

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Helpline & Support

+60 18 4684380

About Us

Our Journey

About Us

IDT was founded by Brother Lim Jooi Soon to continue his long work in spreading the message of Islam since 1995. He grew up in a Buddhist household and have also trained in Christian biblical studies in Adelaide, Australia before embracing Islam. Through his journey, the founder and CEO of IDT has become one of the leading experts in comparative religion in Malaysia. 

Established in 2014, IDT continues to strengthen Brother Lim Jooi Soon's activism in performing da’wah with a vast experience of over 26 years. Its initial purpose was to guide reverts and born Muslims rediscovering their Islamic faith in their journey to become better Muslims but now the function of the organisation has expanded towards providing a clear message of Islam to people from all walks of life belonging to different races, religions, and culture across the ASEAN region. 

IDT understands the identity struggle experienced by reverts and helps to instill a sense of community by organizing various activities such as personal coaching, mentorship, monetary aid, classes, and social gatherings for them. Our work has even nourished new ambassadors of Islam within the Muslim revert community itself.
Impacted People
Total Shahadah
Total Classes

Spreading the Message

Our Purpose

To share information to everyone:

Muslims, and Non-Muslims alike about the true message of Islam that is peace, knowledge, and brotherhood

To train & empower Muslims

To train and empower Muslims to share to others about the message and truth of Islam

To help & support reverts

To help and support reverts in their journey towards becoming better Muslims

What We Do

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Spread the message of Islam through physical classes, online forums, grassroot outreach and one-to-one conversations.
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Train volunteers to become competent ambassadors of Islam
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Provide support to Muslim Reverts through education, mentorship, coaching and financial aid.
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Increase awareness about da’wah through lectures in mosques, universities, Islamic centres both local and abroad.
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Engage the public on the message of Islam throughout the ASEAN region