IDT Centres
IDT Centres
IDT understands the identity struggle experienced by reverts and helps to instil a sense of community by organising various activities such as personal coaching, mentorship, monetary aid, classes, and social gatherings for them. Our work has even nourished new ambassadors of Islam within the Muslim revert community itself. IDT currently has five centres in Peninsular Malaysia which are in Kuala Lumpur (HQ), Penang, Kuantan, Melaka and Sabah. On average, our weekly classes are attended by 50 to 200 people from all walks of life regardless of their religion, race, status or gender. IDT speakers have also traveled across Malaysia as well as other nearby countries to share the message of Islam. Our operations are funded primarily by donations from the public through zakat, sponsored projects, and course fees. With further funding we were started to spread our physical presence beginning with neighbouring countries such as the Philippines and Myanmar. Now we have four full time duat in the Philippines and one full time da’i in Myanmar.