Expert on Comparative Religion and Bible Study
Learn more about his work and how he can help you to understand Christianity and Islam.

Mohd Amin Yaacob is an expert on comparative religion and Bible study. He is a frequent speaker at mosques and universities, and he has written several books on the topic. His work has helped to bridge the gap between Christianity and Islam, and he is considered to be a leading voice in the field of comparative religion.
Mohd Amin Yaacob has written several books on comparative religion, including "Tujuh Persoalan Berkenaan Asas Asas Agama Kristian" (Seven Questions on the Basic Beliefs of Christianity), "7 Questions On The Basic Beliefs Of Christianity", "Jawapan Islam Terhadap Ketuhanan Jesus" (Islam's Response to the Divinity of Jesus), and "Soalan Kotemporari" (Contemporary Questions). His books have been translated into several languages, and they are used by students and scholars around the world.
Mohd Amin Yaacob is a respected figure in the field of comparative religion. He is known for his knowledge of both Christianity and Islam, and he is able to present complex religious ideas in a clear and concise way. His work has helped to bridge the gap between Christianity and Islam, and he is considered to be a leading voice in the field of comparative religion.
A leading voice in the field of comparative religion
His work has helped to bridge the gap between Christianity and Islam, and he is a frequent speaker at mosques and universities.
- Tujuh Persoalan Berkenaan Asas Asas Agama Kristian
- 7 Questions On The Basic Beliefs Of Christianity
- Jawapan Islam Terhadap Ketuhanan Jesus
- Soalan Kotemporari”, mengulas Karya Saudara Mohd Farhan Abdullah “Kristianisasi & Gejala Murtad di Malaysia”,
- Christianity Through the Lense of Christian & Muslim Scholars” (2 Jilid)
- Jawapan Islam Terhadap Risalah Kristian Bertajuk Isa al-Masih
- Menterjemahkan “Authenticity Of The Quran” ke dalam Bahasa Malaysia